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Products / GIS Data

GIS Data

Bluesky is a specialist in the acquisition of aerial surveys and the processing and creation of high-quality imagery products. By investing in the latest technology Bluesky ensures the quality, accuracy and consistency of its imagery is of the highest standard.  Bluesky maintains national aerial photography and tree mapping datasets which are updated every 3 years and available off-the-shelf.

Products available:

Aerial Photo Hi-Res

Digital high-resolution aerial photography is available at 12.5cm for all of Great Britain.

Captured: From 2021

Resolution: 12.5cm

Accuracy XY: ± 50cm rmse

Optimum Viewing Scale: 1:750

Formats: JPG, TIFF, ECW

National Tree Map™ v2

An updated version of National Tree Map™ (NTM).

National Tree Map™ (NTM) provides location, height and canopy extents for individual trees over three metres in height covering all of England and Wales. The data can be provided in a variety of formats for both non-GIS and GIS users. The dataset comprises of:

1. Canopy Polygons (Vector Polygon) – Representing individual trees or closely-grouped tree crowns

2. Idealised Crowns (Vector Polygon) – Crown polygons visualised as circles for ease of use. Area measurement remains true to original canopy feature

3. Height points (Vector Point) – Detailing the centre point and height of each canopy feature


Classification criteria: Trees and bushes over 3m in height

Accuracy: >90% of canopy coverage (>95% within 50m of buildings)


(Aerial photography is not provided as part of the NTM dataset, but can be purchased as an additional layer if required.)